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"You don't need aspirin.

"You need to take control and call me in the morning."

Meet Deb Lonzer, MD


Deb Lonzer, MD offers leadership skills and career coaching, specializing in women physicians. With a proven track record and tremendous professional success, including she has a keen ability to select and mentor junior physicians to become leaders themselves.


After building her practice, Dr. Lonzer was a well-known and very busy pediatrician in the community for decades. She enjoyed many opportunities as an executive and emotionally intelligent leader, and strives to be the best she can be in all of her ventures and adventures. Dr. Lonzer has the background, education, experience and passion to help you achieve your professional goals without sacrificing your personal life.

Career Triage, MD

Medicine has always been a challenging career, but is has, perhaps, never been so difficult. (Admittedly, it was difficult when barbers also did surgery without anesthetic, but that was harder on patients than providers).

Some of the issues facing today’s physicians include having less control over longitudinal care, practice style and tests or medications we order. Patients are inundated by information that is not curated, and we are inundated by unsolicited help from the government, media, internet misinformation, insurance companies, big pharma, etc.

Developing leadership skills offers us the ability to gain a bit of control. Having an experienced physician leader helps to make the practice of medicine feel more like it is about patients and clinical problems rather than about checking boxes. 

Unfortunately, while we are natural leaders in some ways, we were never taught how to be successful at leading others. I spent my career developing leadership skills and being promoted in a Y-chromosomal pipeline. I now use that experience to help other women get some control back in their careers.

Rediscover your passion and drive. Learn to communication successfully in a variety of settings. Enhance your emotional intelligence and mindfulness. ​

Improve the quality of your life.

You don’t need aspirin – you need to take control and call me in the morning! I look forward to hearing from you!

Executive Physician Coaching

Career Triage, MD provides personalized career coaching for physicians and other professionals.


Dr. Lonzer works with leaders in a variety of professions and specializes in women physicians. Her coaching has a foundation in emotional intelligence and appreciative inquiry. 


Your personalized diagnostic career coaching is just a few clicks away! 

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